
The Official Website of the Village of Rockville Centre
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RVC - Swift911™
In our efforts to provide more reliable communications with Residents and Businesses in the village, we have implemented Swiftreach Networks, Inc. as our Emergency Notification service provider.

Swift911™ in its simplest form is a system that makes phone calls to specific people or areas in the event of an emergency or for sharing important information.

Add your phone number(s) and email to the Village's automatic emergency notification system.
Sign in (or Register) below (If you already registered, your EMAIL ADDRESS is your USERNAME):

If you are not receiving these emergency notification calls, please sign in (or register) above to add or update your contact information. You may also remove yourself from our lists.

Please note that the Swiftreach Network Data only includes listed phone numbers in Rockville Centre. It is important for residents and business owners to provide contact information such as unlisted, unpublished, out-of-date, or cell phone numbers. Accurate numbers in the database help to ensure emergency information will be passed on to everyone.

All calls you receive will have the caller ID of “Rockville, Centre.” Your information will not be provided to any outside agencies or companies.